Course Descriptions
Below are course descriptions for many of the classes offerings of the Howard Thurman Bible Institute. The current Sunday School Curriculum id offered each session on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
A course included in this listing is not a guarantee that the class will offered in the future. To review class offerings for upcoming sessions, click on the current Academic Calendar link.
PLEASE NOTE: There are no prerequisites for students to participate in HTBI. Classes are for students at any level. Students are not required to pursue completion of a Certificate Program, but are certainly encouraged to be consistent in their biblical study and personal development.
A course included in this listing is not a guarantee that the class will offered in the future. To review class offerings for upcoming sessions, click on the current Academic Calendar link.
PLEASE NOTE: There are no prerequisites for students to participate in HTBI. Classes are for students at any level. Students are not required to pursue completion of a Certificate Program, but are certainly encouraged to be consistent in their biblical study and personal development.
Foundational Classes
Whether this is your first introduction to spiritual-based study or you are well-versed in Christian Education as a layleader or minister of the gospel, the four (4) class offerings known as the Foundational Classes will provide a sound spiritual starting point for your HTBI experience. If a student so desires, they can complete all of the Foundational Classes and in doing so fulfull the requirement for the One (1) Year Foundational Studies Certificate Program. For those pursuing other certificate programs, completion of this certificate program is required. Foundational Classes apply towards all other certificate programs.
(FD101) Know What WE Believe
What does the Bible teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What do angels, Satan and demons have to do with reality? What place should the Bible or church have in the believer’s life? This course will focus on the bottom-line truths and the non-negotiables of Christianity and help you understand what is really important for Christian faith. This class is also available as an online class. Required Book: Know What You Believe by Paul Little. (FD102) Listening to God: Spiritual Formation This class will provide guidance and help for those who desire to explore the riches of Christian spirituality. This class offers a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines as well as instruction in developing and nurturing these practices. There will be clear, practical, and inspirational discussions on topics such as Bible intake and spiritual reading, prayer and worship, stewardship and fasting, meditation and journaling, and evangelism and service. Required Book: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald S. Whitney. |
(FD103) How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It
This foundation course provides an overview of how to study the Word of God and obtain a thorough comprehension of its truth. It is designed to provide the tools and techniques that will enable you to read, interpret and apply God’s Word through effective Bible study. When Christians read and understand the Bible, they soon discover its extraordinary relevance and transforming power. This course helps readers discover the tools that can help them unlock God’s Word. This class serves as an excellent preparatory class for Teacher/Leader Certification. Required Book: How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It! by Skip Heitiz. (FD104) Ordering Your Private World The values of our Western culture incline us to believe that the busy, publicly-active person in ministry is also the most spiritual. Tempted to give imbalanced attention to the public world at the expense of the private, we become involved in more programs and more meetings. In this class you will become equipped to live life from the inside out, cultivating the inner victory necessary for both public and private ministry effectiveness. Required Book: Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald. |
Christian Leadership
(CLD101) Spiritual Leadership
Whether you are a leader in the business world or in the church, this course offers biblically based principles that will equip you to lead in the 21st century. Drawing upon their own extensive leadership experience as well as their ministry to all walks of life, this team of leaders consisting of staff pastors, trustees, ministers, deacons and other leaders offer insight and counsel into the ways God develops, guides and empowers spiritual leaders. Clear guidance is given on how leaders can make a positive impact on the people and organizations they are leading. If you are serious about leading God’s way, this class is a must! (CLD201) God’s Armor Bearer Leaders in the Bible often chose loyal “armor bearers” to assist and protect them. Christian leaders today also need dedicated assistants to turn vision into reality. Like leaders in the Bible, pastors today need Christians willing to help in the role of God’s Armor Bearer. Learn how to leave your comfort zone, develop your gifts for spiritual service and understand the importance of supporting your pastor’s vision. Required Book: God’s Armor Bearer Volumes 1 & 2: Serving God’s Leaders by Terry Nance. (CLD301) Leading From the Second Chair This course will raise awareness of the need for strong leaders in secondary positions. The course will describe the value you can bring to your organization and to primary leaders when you are serving at your full potential. This course will reshape the way you view your role, with an emphasis on your own responsibility as a leader. It recognizes that unique challenges and frustrations of serving in a subordinate position and equips you with the attitude and skills that you will need to survive and thrive in this new paradigm. Required Book: Leading from the Second Chair by Mike Bonem, Roger Patterson. |
(CLD401) Avoiding Leadership Mistakes
This leadership class examines ten common errors that are a danger to a leader in any organization. The course is for those called to lead and yet, are apprehensive about not being effective. It will address what makes a good leader become ineffective, what habits must be developed in order to be an effective leader as well as how to lead with compassion and clear communication. Required Book: The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make. (CLD407) Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah If you need principles of effective leadership, where would you turn? Right to the book of Nehemiah! Under Nehemiah’s godly direction and his capability for inspiring others, the wall was rebuilt. In this class you’ll travel into Nehemiah’s world where the walls of his beloved city Jerusalem had crumbled. Regardless of the extent of your leadership realm you can learn from Nehemiah’s godly example. Allow the brick and mortar of godly character to propel your leadership to excellence! Required Book: TBD (CLD401) The New Testament Deacon A keen interest in the diaconate is sweeping through today’s church. Who are the deacons, what do they do, and why are they important? Claiming that the modern church has a distorted understanding of the New Testament deacon, this course examines relevant Scripture to help you better understand God’s design for this vital ministry. Required Book: The New Testament Deacon by Alexander Strauch. (CLD405E) Leadership Lessons from the Rejected Stone NEW From Solomon Northrup, victim of the American Slave Trade and author of “Twelve Years a Slave”, to the multi-faceted leader Reverend Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network (NAN), African-Americans have always lead the charge of the day towards personal, spiritual and social freedom. Discover how through “23 Life Lessons for These Changing Times”, we uncover our own Rev-erend Al’s personal evolution. Learn how the path to impactful leadership begins from within! This course can be used as an elective towards the Christian Leadership Certificate Program. Required Book: The Rejected Stone: Al Sharpton and the Path to American Leadership by Reverend Al Sharpton |
Christian Living
(CL101) The Peacemaker
This class is a guide to conflict resolution and reconciliation. You will find biblically steeped and worldly wise, time-tested principles to help you transform bitter oppositions into valuable opportunities for growth. Breathe God’s grace into hostile disputes in the church, workplace, or home—and receive the immeasurable blessing reserved for “the peacemakers.” (CL201) Believing God This course is based on Isaiah 43:10 and the understanding of what it means to be a chosen witness for the Lord. By separating belief in God from the experience of actually believing God, the journey of faith will be explored and developed at deeper levels. Expect to deepen your trust in God and receive a fresh work that will help you live out your destiny. Required Book: Believing God: Experiencing a Fresh Explosion of Faith by Beth Moore. (CL301) Christian Ethics How does a person judge what is ethical? What is the standard and can it work in all situations? This class shows how to live with integrity by using the Christian commandment to love as the standard, regardless of relationship, culture or circumstance. Along the way, it delves into the desires of the human heart, reveals five common pitfalls that throw people off the ethical track and teaches how to develop the anointed touch when it comes to personal integrity. Required Book: Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options by Norman Geisler. (CL401) I Really Want to Change… So Help Me God I REALLY want to change. Do you? Are you truly serious about allowing the power of God to transform your life? If you are, then prepare yourself for an incredible, life-changing experience. Change is difficult, but it is made even harder without practical guidance on how to do it. You will find that guidance in I Really Want to Change … So, Help Me God. This class is for the individual who is serious about changing according to God’s Word. While many tell us that we should change and be more like Christ, this class actually teaches us how to do it. (CL401ONL) Transforming Life This online class will demonstrate the study of the Bible as a book of transformation. It will provide the student with the biblical foundation for exploring personal, family and social transformation. By building on familiar scriptures from Genesis to Romans 2:12 and of course, Revelations, this course will enable students to determine how to measure growth and how to identify challenges to faith and works in the midst of the storm and in the victorious transformed life. Required Book: The Renewed Mind-Becoming the Person God Wants You to Be by Larry Christenson. |
(CL402) What God Says About Alternative Lifestyles
Homosexuality is the hot issue of the day. Even more than abortion, it will confront the church throughout this generation, forcing us to listen, study and respond wisely. How can we answer claims that the Bible does not prohibit committed homosexual relationships, or that science proves that homosexuality is genetic, not a chosen lifestyle. Understand timely biblical and biological insight into homosexuality. Examine our attitudes in order to minister to homosexuals truthfully, compassionately, humbly and persuasively. (CL501) Being Holy, Being Human Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde had it easy compared to the challenge facing leaders every day. There’s often a terrible tension between God’s call to holiness and our frail humanity. The Scriptures clearly state God’s call, and the Christian leader wants to obey. Church members expect their leaders to be models of godliness, too. Yet leaders who are honest are also painfully aware of their shortcomings. But how can they admit their doubts and temptations without harming their ministries? In whom can they confide? This class helps leaders to live with the tension creatively, to embrace God’s call while expressing and fully enjoying their humanity. This class is suited for ministers, deacons, leadership or aspiring leaders. (CL601) When Discipleship Gets REAL This course is designed to be a thoughtful and in depth personal exploration of how God uses struggle and challenge to transform us, while at the same time requiring service and obedience. When obedience becomes difficult; when social policy collides with biblical beliefs; when personal trials take you to the limit; when loving your enemy seems impossible. This study will help you understand the value of your journey.Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided. (CL701E) King Solomon’s Secrets This course will reveal Solomon’s key for winning every race, explain how to resolve conflicts and how to turn enemies into allies. It discloses the five qualities essential to becoming a valued and admired person in your personal life and at work. It will also reveal that just as there are physical laws that govern the universe, there are laws of living that are just as sure and true. It doesn’t matter if you love them or hate them, they still exist, and they will govern your life. Required Book: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven Scott. |
Family – Married
(FSA101) Pillow Talk (formerly Love Talk)
We’re not always the best at communicating our thoughts and feelings with our spouse. Discover the keys to great communication in your relationship! This class is designed to bring husbands and wives closer to each other and to God, as you study God’s Word, share in your challenges and successes and develop tools that will help you build a marriage that will last forever. Required Book: Love Talk by Les & Leslie Parrott. (FSA202) Can Two Walk Together? Many Christians are in spiritually unbalanced marriages, desperate for someone to minister to them in their unique place. This course will provide those in unequally yoked relationships with hope and help in dealing with disappointment, hurts and heartaches. Also you will gain assistance with creating and maintaining a vibrant growing relationship despite your differences. (FSA207) The Four Seasons of Marriage The class is based on the fact that marriages repeatedly go through periods that can be characterized by the seasons of the year. This class begins by describing winter, times when marriages are marked by “coldness, harshness, and bitterness.” Spring is “where most marriages begin,” while Summer is filled with fun. This class compares an autumn marriage to “the falling of the leaves.” This class will offer detailed explanations of the emotions, attitudes and actions of the marriage seasons as well as the pros and cons of each. The second half of this class provides seven strategies to enhance or change the marriage seasons, from dealing with past failures and speaking your spouse’s love language to “maximizing differences” and becoming a positive influence. This class also addresses how to improve a marriage where a spouse has no desire to change.Required Book: Four Seasons of Marriage by Gary Chapman. (FSA220) The Ten Commandments of Marriage This course provides then commandments for a lifelong marriage that grows in miracle and grace. God wants your marriage to be nothing short of the incredible. And it could all begin with this amazing course. Learn the approaches that work and the ones that have no place in strong marriages. Required Book: The 10 Commandments of Marriage: The Do’s and Don’ts for a Lifelong Covenant by Ed Young. |
(FSA401E) Growing In the Word Together
Learn and grow together with your spouse to understand the unfolding progression of the Bible – God’s great love affair with humanity AND experience Scripture like never before. As one continuing story of God and His People, from Genesis to Revelation, participants will come to understand “The Greatest Story Ever Told” filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption. Required Book: THE STORY (forward by Max Lucado& Randy Frazee). (FSA501/502) The Excellent Wife/ The Excellent Husband This is a must study for women and men to help them understand the scriptural basis for excellence in marriage. Not only is the standard high and holy, but by God’s grace, it is attainable. This study will address the issues that husbands and wives face in their everyday lives and show them ways to discover excellence in their spouses and also in themselves. Required Books: The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective by Martha Peace, The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective by Stuart Scott. (FSA503) Love & Respect Discover the single greatest secret to a successful marriage. Whether you are married, separated, divorced or seriously dating and considering marriage, this course will focus on Biblical principles and practices including, love, respect, communication, forgiveness, reconciliation, hope, and change. Men and women will gain understanding, personal and spiritual enrichment to grasp the secret to experiencing marriages that honor God. Required Book: TBD (FSA702E) The Five Love Languages for Married Couples Falling in love is easy, but what you may not realize is that maintaining healthy relationships is a daily, lifelong pursuit. It does not have to be an arduous pursuit though. Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch, are all ways to show and to be shown love. Once you understand these “love languages”, you’ll be able to nurture not only a romantic relationship, but also casual, business, and familiar relationships effectively. This course is eligible for the Family Studies – Tract A Certificate Programs. Required Book: The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman. |
(FSA210) Love Styles
The letters L.O.V.E. represent four personality dimensions that make up your personal ‘love style.’ Once you know your own love style and that of your spouse, you will be able to love him or her in a way that will help you get the love you need in return. This class shows you how this single insight can draw you closer to your spouse. It provides easy to-use and scientifically proven tools for pinpointing each person’s approach to love. Whether you are more a Leader, Optimist, Validator or Evaluator, you will learn new ways to strengthen your relationship. This is not your typical marriage class; it is a practical tool for learning how to express love to your spouse and feel truly loved in return.Required Book: L. O. V. E. : Putting Your Love Styles to Work for You by Les Parrott.
The letters L.O.V.E. represent four personality dimensions that make up your personal ‘love style.’ Once you know your own love style and that of your spouse, you will be able to love him or her in a way that will help you get the love you need in return. This class shows you how this single insight can draw you closer to your spouse. It provides easy to-use and scientifically proven tools for pinpointing each person’s approach to love. Whether you are more a Leader, Optimist, Validator or Evaluator, you will learn new ways to strengthen your relationship. This is not your typical marriage class; it is a practical tool for learning how to express love to your spouse and feel truly loved in return.Required Book: L. O. V. E. : Putting Your Love Styles to Work for You by Les Parrott.
Family – Single
(FSB207) The Five Love Languages – Singles
Whether you’re widowed, divorced, separated, or never married, your deepest emotional need is to feel loved and your greatest successes will be obtained by loving others. This class shows you how to do both effectively in situations unique to single adults – dating; roommates; classmates and co-workers; family connections; and single parenting. Includes “Questions to Ponder” that will help you to cultivate and build relationships. (FSB301) True Love Waits – Adults This class is designed to guide you into making a commitment to abstinence until a biblical marriage. By providing biblical principles on heading off, handling and healing from sexual sins, it allows those who have made a commitment of abstinence, a chance to reaffirm publicly that promise and challenge others to do so as well. It is an opportunity to reconnect and recommit for those who would like a new beginning in purity. True Love Waitswill teach you what you can and cannot do so that you can say No to Satan and YES to God. Materials provided. Payment of fees to instructor required to participate in ring ceremony. (FSB401) “We’re Just Friends” Hurt feelings, unmet expectations, dashed hopes, misplaced trust – these are just some of the potential time bombs that explode in dating relationships leaving a trail of broken hearts. Does it have to be this way? Do you have to stop dating to protect yourself and others from deep hurt? With godly wisdom and insight, this class educates students about defining expectations before they start dating, and outlines a specific five-step dating plan that will help limit relational damage as they look for someone to share their lives with. This class encourages, challenges, and instructs believers in this comprehensive how-to-date handbook. You will receive practical advice on wisely forming relationships with the opposite sex while still having fun, avoiding unnecessary hurts, making lifelong friends, and knowing “where they are” each step of the way. Singles will take a look back at their past relational mishaps and move forward into a biblically healthy and romantically fulfilling relationship as God intended it to be. This class remedies and reduces the casualties of the current dating minefield where hearts get broken daily and sometimes never recover. Required Book: “We’re Just Friends” and Other Dating Lies: Practical Wisdom for Healthy Relationships by Chuck Milian. |
(FSB501) Am I the One?
This class takes an innovative approach to courtship by maintaining that each person should first take the necessary steps to become a person worthy of marriage. This class will take a very different approach to the questions about relationships, dating, and marriage. Instead of beginning with questions on courtship, compatibility and relationship “tools” this class starts with the individual. Who are you becoming? Are you taking the steps to become a person worth marrying? In order to find the right person, you have to first be the right person. Then, and only then, can you make clear decisions about the rest of your life. Required Book: Am I the One by James Lucas. (FSB601) Quest for Love This class will challenge you to embrace a radical view of singleness and dating; an excellent, guide for those on the “quest for love. This class shares biblical guidance that will speak to your heart and your own situation. Discuss “antiquated” concepts such as commitment, integrity, honor, and servant hood and shows how they still apply to dating and singleness today. Required Book: Quest for Love: True Stories of Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot. |
Family – Parenting
(FSC101) Parentology 101: Preparing for Parenting
This course will prepare and propel expecting parents and new parents into their exciting assignment of Parenting! Designed for parents of prenatal children or children up to 1 year old. Required Book: To be announced on 1st night of class.
This course will prepare and propel expecting parents and new parents into their exciting assignment of Parenting! Designed for parents of prenatal children or children up to 1 year old. Required Book: To be announced on 1st night of class.
Intercessory Prayer
(PR101) Praying to Change Your Life
What do you say when you pray? What is the purpose for praying? Since the Lord knows what we need before we pray, why pray at all? These are questions that have been asked over the centuries. This course will address these questions and more. Whether you are interested in everyday prayer for yourself or are called on to pray on behalf of others, this course is for you. Discover the important keys that Jesus taught His disciples about prayer. Here you will receive the necessary tools and skills to pray powerful, strategic, scripture based prayers that will empower you to pray in a manner which will accomplish God’s will and produce His plans for your life, business, career, community and the world. Required Book: Praying to Change Your Life, a Guide to Productive Prayer by Suzette T. Caldwell.
Breakthrough Prayer
How do we tap into the art and the power of prayer? Why is prayer important and how do we know when our prayers are answered? Join us for an open discussion on the principles, purpose and power of prayer. Understand the importance of prayer, how to get prayers answered, and what hinders prayers as we explore examples from the Bible that demonstrate the power of prayer and how lives, situations and circumstances can change. Required Book: Breakthrough Prayer by Jim Cymbala.
(PR301E) Meditations of the Heart: Inspirational Readings from Howard Thurman
This class will explore the beautiful and powerful spiritual meditations of Howard Thurman. In addition to reviewing Thurman’s thoughts on prayer, community and the joys and rituals of everyday life, this class will explore its personal impact. Its spiritual insights and interpretations will stimulate the student to discover the power of meditation and prayer. Required Book: Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman.
What do you say when you pray? What is the purpose for praying? Since the Lord knows what we need before we pray, why pray at all? These are questions that have been asked over the centuries. This course will address these questions and more. Whether you are interested in everyday prayer for yourself or are called on to pray on behalf of others, this course is for you. Discover the important keys that Jesus taught His disciples about prayer. Here you will receive the necessary tools and skills to pray powerful, strategic, scripture based prayers that will empower you to pray in a manner which will accomplish God’s will and produce His plans for your life, business, career, community and the world. Required Book: Praying to Change Your Life, a Guide to Productive Prayer by Suzette T. Caldwell.
Breakthrough Prayer
How do we tap into the art and the power of prayer? Why is prayer important and how do we know when our prayers are answered? Join us for an open discussion on the principles, purpose and power of prayer. Understand the importance of prayer, how to get prayers answered, and what hinders prayers as we explore examples from the Bible that demonstrate the power of prayer and how lives, situations and circumstances can change. Required Book: Breakthrough Prayer by Jim Cymbala.
(PR301E) Meditations of the Heart: Inspirational Readings from Howard Thurman
This class will explore the beautiful and powerful spiritual meditations of Howard Thurman. In addition to reviewing Thurman’s thoughts on prayer, community and the joys and rituals of everyday life, this class will explore its personal impact. Its spiritual insights and interpretations will stimulate the student to discover the power of meditation and prayer. Required Book: Meditations of the Heart by Howard Thurman.
Lay Counseling (Faith Based)
(LC101) Lay Counseling Certification I
This course is designed to train and equip laypersons in basic counseling in the church community. Although it will not make you a professional counselor, it does provide basic information and approach to provide Christian care to other members in the church. Required Book: Listening and Caring Skills: A Guide for Groups and Leaders by John Savage. (LC102) Lay Counseling Certification II This course is designed to train and equip laypersons in basic counseling in the church community. Although it will not make you a professional counselor, it does provide basic information and approach to provide Christian care to other members in the church. This course has two parts and the following is specific to Part II: To establish biblical, sociological, and psychological foundation for providing pastoral care; to be able to identify role of lay caregivers; to become familiar with customary practice of lay counseling; to read and discuss texts and articles regarding the practice of counseling within the context of the African American church and to gain experience and confidence in providing lay counseling. Required Book: Listening and Caring Skills: A Guide for Groups and Leaders by John Savage. (LC201) Bereavement Counseling This practical guide for those interested in helping with the treatment of grief responses combines clinical and spiritual care. Topics addressed include universal grief processes and responses, dysfunctional grieving, therapies and treatment priorities, reorganization and recovery, the ways that perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs influence care, and more. |
(LC510E) Good Thing About Grief
This class is designed to assist students in understanding their role in helping those who face grief and healing. The course will present material—not as a depressing necessity—but as an often neglected opportunity to understand life, loss and resurrection power as it appears in the lives around us. A transformative class that offers practical solutions to dimensions of healing and grace, this class is designed to be neither sad nor clinical, but instead offer a source of comfort. It is recommended for those interested in personal growth and also in healing ministries. Required Book: The Good Thing About Grief by Brenda Wall. Overcomers This course is an easy-to-follow, 12 step, and 90 day spiritual pathway to help you regain control of your life. Our meetings maintain a positive atmosphere of acceptance, friendship, and prayer. You can learn to walk away from the pain of your past, trust God and make appropriate choices for a successful future! And it could all begin with this amazing course. Meetings are open to adults who desire spiritual and emotional support wile overcoming problems such as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, pornography, codependency and other issues. Required Book: Daily Choice Workbook (see instructor regarding obtaining workbook). |
New Testament
SURVEY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (I, II, III) This course is divided into three separate distinct modules designed to introduce students to an overview of the New Testament.
(NT101) Survey of New Testament I
The first module contains emphasis and background on events leading up to the formation of the New Testament canon, and a study of the four Gospel accounts with attention to their unique contributions to Scripture. No book required. (NT201) Survey of New Testament II The second module of this course treats Acts, the message of the Johannine Epistles, and a portion of the undisputed Pauline Epistles (deutero-Pauline), including what are called the Prison and the Pastorals. No book required. (NT301) Survey of New Testament III The third module of this three-segment course will culminate the New Testament teaching and include what are traditionally called the Pastorals (Titus, I, II Timothy), and the eschatology of the book of Revelation. No book required. |
(NT500) New Testament Soul Mates
This course is the sister course to Old Testament Soul Mates. It explores major personalities in the New Testament in terms of their human strengths and weaknesses and how God was able to use them to advance the kingdom. When you find the personality in the Bible who looks like you, it opens self-acceptance and purpose that not only transforms the world but brings Glory to God. Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided. Gospel of Mark When John Mark wrote out his “good news” about Jesus two thousand years ago, his gospel was a completely new kind of book. What made the gospel of Mark unique was this: it was not written merely as the memoir of Jesus as a great man, rather it was meant to persuade its readers that Jesus was the Son of God. Who is Jesus of Nazareth? What is the good news (gospel) about him? This class provides us with Mark’s answer. Thessalonians I and II This course will focus on the Christian community in Thessalonicans as reflected in the earliest of letters written by Paul. This course will introduce the meaning of the Second Coming of Christ and what that meant to believers in Thessalonicans and what it means to believers today. |
Old Testament
This course is divided into three modules; each is a separate course and is designed to introduce students to an overview of the Old Testament.
(OT101) Survey of Old Testament I
The first module will encompass the first five books with focus on the law and what it meant for the children of Israel. It will explore the purpose and message of each book in the Pentateuch. This class will help students appreciate the magnificent unity and central theme of the Old Testament with present day applications. It will also help students understand God’s covenant promises to Israel. No book required. (OT201) Survey of Old Testament II The second module will address the historical books and the poetic books of the Old Testament as it provides a historical bridge between the law and the prophets. It will include the judges, the kings and the beautiful poetry of God’s anointed. No book required. (OT301) Survey of Old Testament III The third module will focus on the ministries of the writing Prophets from the ninth to the fifth Centuries B.C. The themes and chronological points of the prophetic message will be explored with emphasis on God’s call to Israel to repent from its idolatry and unfaithfulness and to return to a relationship of obedience and spiritual fidelity. No book required. (OT401E) Judges The book of Judges in the Old Testament is a book of action. It contains great deeds as well as great failures. The book is often very graphic in its content and does not soft-serve the workings of God in human affairs as they relate to his chosen people, Israel. This serves as a powerful message for today, because the period of judges in which everyone did what was right in his own eyes` is being lived out again in the twenty-first century. Required Book: Opening Up Judges by Simon J. Robinson. |
(OT402E) Psalms: Book of Encouragement
For thousands of years, the Psalms have brought comfort and encouragement to those who love God. The Psalms deal honestly with the trials and turmoil of life with a focus on God’s faithfulness towards the believer. God is true. He is merciful. He is powerful. He is loving. This course will draw your thoughts to the God who made you, keeps you and loves you. The class will include reading and responding to favorite Psalms.No book required. (OT403E) Book of Psalms - Revisited The study of Psalms is so full of inspiration and joy, that this second offering allows an exploration of some of the basic Psalms included in Psalms: Book of Encouragement, at a deeper level and also introduces more of the Psalms that were not included in the first course. No prerequisite is required for this course, Psalms classes may be taken out of sequence. No book required. (OT404E) Habakkuk and Haggai - NEW What do these two prophets have in common and what lessons do they have for us today? Habakkuk reminds us to “write the vision and make it plain.” However, in three chapters, we learn how to change complaints into faith. Haggai similarly reminds us of our normal responsibility to God. He demonstrates what it takes to dare to be great for the Lord. This course can be used as an elective to complete the Old Testament Studies Certificate Program. Required Book: The Bible (OT500) Old Testament Soul Mates Do you ever feel like Jesus is the only one in the Bible who can relate to what you are going through? Maybe you feel like God will not be able to use you. Good news. There are many heroesand sheroes from the Old Testament with such strong personalities and purpose, whom God used to bless others. This class will help you find your own personal soul mate, who speaks to your spiritual gifts and to your purpose. Come discover your special place in the Bible story. Required book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided. |
Pastoral Care
(PC101) Caring for God’s People
This practical guide is for those interested in helping those experiencing grief. Bringing comfort to the sick or dying is never easy. This course combines clinical approaches with spiritual care. Topics addressed include universal grief processes and responses; dysfunctional grieving; therapies and treatment priorities; reorganization and recovery; and the ways perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs influence care. Required Book: |
(PC201) Bereavement Counseling
This practical guide for those interested in helping with the treatment of grief responses combines clinical and spiritual care. Topics addressed include universal grief processes and responses, dysfunctional grieving, therapies and treatment priorities, reorganization and recovery, the ways that perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs influence care, and more. |
Personal Growth
(PG101) When Pleasing Others Is Hurting You
Find out why you have trouble saying no and only feel accepted when you are producing. Learn to realize that you are shortchanging God’s work in your life when you serve people out of your own needs. Learn to serve others out of your abundance and experience the deep joy and peace that comes when operating as the person God intended you to be. (PG102) Fearless Faith What would you do if you were not afraid to fail? This class teaches the believer how to overcome fear and how to live in the world with faith and confidence. When you default is faith, and not fear, your world will never be the same. (Required Book: Fearless by Max Lucado). (PG103) Battlefield of the Mind We can state that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but what does it mean to struggle against principalities and powers? This course not only defines what spiritual warfare is, but it will equip the believer to put on the full armor and recognize what victory looks like in everyday life. Required Book: Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince. (PG201) Who’s Pushing Your Buttons We all know people who drive us crazy. But instead of avoiding them, why not take a different approach? Learn biblically based strategies that will help you lovingly confront contrary personalities and maximize growth and change as you cope with differences. (PG201) Conquering the Enemy Called Average This course is divided into three separate sections designed to help students change their lives from being one that is characterized by the word “average” to one that is characterized by the word “extraordinary”. Each section gives words of wisdom and biblical scripture that will lead students to discover their God-given talents and gifts. Required Book: Conquering an Enemy Called Average by John Mason. (PG203E) The Measure of a Man The goal of this class is to encourage fellowship among Christian brothers, to expand the circle of friendship, learn how to find and become an accountability partner, and discover new ways to become the complete man God desires men to be. Required Book: The Measure of a Man by Gene A. Getz. (PG207) Discovering your Spiritual Gifts Like every believer, you receive gifts from the Holy Spirit at the time of your new birth. But how can you know for certain what your gifts are? Once you do know, how should you use your gifts to best serve God? This course gives life-changing answers to these questions and further explores the spiritual gifts identified in the Bible. Most importantly, the course will equip you to use your gifts within the Body of Christ to become the person God wants you to be! Required Book: Discover your Spiritual Gifts by C. Peter Wagner. (PG210) Anxious for Nothing So many things to worry about and so little time to worry! As a Christian, you’re not immune to the troubles of life, and when troubles come, you’re urged to rise above them and experience “peace that passes understanding.” But how, in day-to-day life, does that really happen? In Anxious for Nothing, the course directs you to the only true source of comfort and victory – Scripture. You’ll learn to cast your cares on God, deal with difficult people, live without complaining, and be content. Required Book: Anxious for Nothing: God’s Cure for the Cares of Your Soul by John MacArthur (PG211) A Woman After God’s Own Heart This course is filled with rich advice, spiritual wisdom, and practical applications. It shares how a woman can follow God and seek His heart in every area of her life including her husband, her children, her home, her walk with the Lord, and her ministry. There is peace and purpose for the woman who prepares her heart and mind to embrace God’s plan every day.Required Book: A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George. (PG211E) Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be Learn how to re-energize your life in every area from faith and family to fitness and fashion. Develop greater vitality in life and intimacy with God and learn how to feel more in control, by understanding lessons based on the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. Required Book: Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to BE by Donna Partow. (PG217E) Living Beyond Your Feelings What are emotions? Why do we have them? What drives our emotions? Are our emotions helpful or harmful and can our emotions be controlled? This course will focus on these questions by examining human development as it relates to emotions, explore the origins of emotions, the impact emotions have on one’s physical health and cite biblical passages and examples as they relate to human emotions. |
(PG240) DO SOMETHING! Make Your Life Count
God has uniquely prepared each of us with every necessary natural and spiritual skill/gift needed to help people. With that, He has also prepared us with all the encouragement we need to get us through even through the difficult times. This course will focus on the life of Christ and how He by His examples gave us the same plan to do something great in our lives. This course will remind the student who they are, why they were created by God and empower them to communicate hope to a broken and wounded world. Required Book: DO Something! Make Your Life Count by Miles McPherson. (PG301) The Search for Significance If you tend to be introspective (which comes from trying to find error in ourselves to blame, or good in ourselves to justify our existence), the truth discovered during this book study will help you begin to experience freedom from that bondage. Self-analysis is also a part of this book study, and is designed to focus your attention primarily on Christ, not on yourself. As a result, You will want to serve Christ and live for Him more than ever. Required Book: The Search for Significance by Robert McGee. (PG404) Conquering the Enemy Called Average This course is divided into three separate sections designed to help students change their lives from being one that is characterized by the word “average” to one that is characterized by the word “extraordinary”. Each section gives words of wisdom and biblical scripture that will lead students to discover their God-given talents and gifts. Required Book: Conquering an Enemy Called Average by John Mason. (PG405) Boundaries This class is designed to assist students in understanding how to integrate their spiritual development with practical applications for liberated godly lives. Boundaries define who we are and who we are not. This class will allow the student and teacher to examine common conflicts and reach conclusions that lead to greater love, commitment and understanding at the individual, family, community and church levels. It is recommended for those interested in personal growth as well as for those participating in healing ministries Required Book: Boundaries: When to Say Yes and How to Say Henry Cloud, John Tounsend. (PG406) Rihanna, Christ and You Given the culture of violence against women in America, indeed in the world, what does the celebrity focus do to reinforce images of denial and drama when it comes to domestic violence? Come learn how to move beyond drama to godly security and love. This class will explore what happens when women put their men before God and before their own safety and how to heal and make healthy choices. Learn to identify the difference in messages that empower and messages that entertain with dangerous outcomes. YouTube videos and current media will provide content. (PG610E) Public Speaking with Verbal Dynamics I Whether at a business meeting, church gathering or social function, most of us will be called upon at some time to speak publicly. As Christians, we are called to speak not only with effectiveness but also in a way that honors God and embodies Christian virtue. If speaking in front of a group seems challenging, this class is for you! You will gain and practice skills to build confidence through competence. Required Book: Introduction to Public Speaking and Etiquette by Harriet Juanita Houston. (PG611E) Public Speaking with Verbal Dynamics II This course will provide more valuable ideas and insights on a Christian level that will help make better presentations and inspire the people who are listening. Improving skill level will include review of etiquette training; guidelines for effective body behavior; vocal interferences; dress interferences, identifying the type of delivery to be used and techniques for beginning and ending your presentation. Required Book: Introduction to Public Speaking and Etiquette by Harriet Juanita Houston. (PG701) Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World The life of a woman today isn’t really all that different from that of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. Like Mary, you long to sit at the Lord’s feet, but the daily demands of a busy world just won’t leave you alone. Like Martha, you love Jesus and really want to serve him, yet you may struggle with weariness, resentment and feelings of inadequacy. Then comes Jesus, right into the midst of your busy Mary/Martha life—and he extends the same invitation he issued long ago to the two sisters of Bethany. Tenderly, he invites you to choose “the better part”—a joyful life of intimacy with him that flows naturally into loving service for him. Required Book: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. (PG802E) Old School vs. New School Dating What is it like building relationships today when you are single again or single for the first time? Are there some Godly standards that still work in the age of social media and instant communication? And what about sex? Come be a part of this learning experience. |
Praise and Worship
(PW101) Praise and Worship: An Introduction
This introduction to Praise & Worship will focuses on both praise and worship as more than just words and music: it takes more than a beautiful, melodious voice or a musical score to truly experience the presence of God. This course will include the biblical history of Praise & Worship, the evolution of Praise & Worship and personal responsibility for those who trust and believe in our Sovereign Lord. Discover the tremendous power that awaits you in learning to praise the Lord! Required Book: Joy in the Presence of His Fire by James R. Jackson.
(PW401E) American Sign Language I
This course is the beginning course, designed for those interested in learning the basic fundamentals of American Sign Language. In addition to mastery of vocabulary and simple sentences, the course will also include study of deaf culture in the United States. (Together with American Sign Language II, both courses lead to certificate for a qualified interpreter for the non-hearing community.) Course materials provided. Additional fees will be assessed for this certification program of study.
(PW402E) American Sign Language II
This course is a continuation of Sign Language for Beginners. It is designed for those interested in learning more of the basic fundamentals of American Sign Language and Deaf culture. . (Prerequisite: American Sign Language II). Together with Sign Language for Beginners, both courses lead to certificate for a qualified interpreter for the non-hearing community. Course materials provided.
This introduction to Praise & Worship will focuses on both praise and worship as more than just words and music: it takes more than a beautiful, melodious voice or a musical score to truly experience the presence of God. This course will include the biblical history of Praise & Worship, the evolution of Praise & Worship and personal responsibility for those who trust and believe in our Sovereign Lord. Discover the tremendous power that awaits you in learning to praise the Lord! Required Book: Joy in the Presence of His Fire by James R. Jackson.
(PW401E) American Sign Language I
This course is the beginning course, designed for those interested in learning the basic fundamentals of American Sign Language. In addition to mastery of vocabulary and simple sentences, the course will also include study of deaf culture in the United States. (Together with American Sign Language II, both courses lead to certificate for a qualified interpreter for the non-hearing community.) Course materials provided. Additional fees will be assessed for this certification program of study.
(PW402E) American Sign Language II
This course is a continuation of Sign Language for Beginners. It is designed for those interested in learning more of the basic fundamentals of American Sign Language and Deaf culture. . (Prerequisite: American Sign Language II). Together with Sign Language for Beginners, both courses lead to certificate for a qualified interpreter for the non-hearing community. Course materials provided.
Social Justice
(SJ200DE) Jesus and the Disinherited
Whether you are in seminary or just seeking to understand why God’s people suffer from racism, you will find that this class offers answers from both a historical and Christian perspective. This class will focus on the classic study by Howard Thurman and his message that helped shape the civil rights movement and ultimately liberation theology. Thurman argues that within the suffering, pain and overwhelming love manifest in the life of Jesus, we can also see the solution that will defeat the fear and hatred that abound in the world. Required Book: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman. (SJ300DE) To Serve in this Present Age This class will help the Christian understand personal and corporate identity in the present age of multiculturalism. How do you understand your role in the African Diaspora and see your relationship with those in Haiti, London and Oak Cliff? This course will review the history and relationship of African and African American liberation; it will provide clarification for the call to serve in the context of a prophetic church framed by Black Liberation Theology; and it will offer a framework for justice ministries. Readings will include the scholarship of Dr. Frederick Haynes, III along with other liberation thinkers. Required Book: To Serve in this Present Age by Danielle Ayers. |
(SJ500E) Setting the Captives Free
Mass incarceration has become the new Jim Crow in America. How do we understand our Christian responsibility “to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of prison to those that are bound?” This course will help us trace liberation from Exodus to the Resurrection and determine application to those bound in our midst. We will address oppression and liberty; enslavement and incarceration in America; and reflections of social justice in ministry today. Students will leave class better equipped to deal with racism wherever they may encounter it. Required Book: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. (SJ502DE) Yes, Jesus Loves Me: God of the Oppressed NEW This course addresses the love of Jesus in terms of liberation theology. James Cone introduces the concept of the gospel message as it applies to the African American community. We learn that no oppression can separate us from the love of Christ. However, this course takes us deeper as we explore questions of faith, racism and love through a prism of liberation and social justice. This course can be used as an elective towards the Social Justice Certificate Program. Required Book: God of the Oppressed by James H. Cone (SJ600) #IfNotForTheWomen |
(FAIM202) Yes! I Can Set My House in Order
This stewardship course provides a guide to building a healthy and successful financial life by demonstrating how to use God’s Word as a foundation for money management. This class will provide insights that will help the student understand the importance of a budget, the dangers of credit cards and the power of wise purchases in developing a personal framework for wealth. Required Book: Yes I Can Set My House in Order by Keith Carter.
(FAIM401) Money 101
Financial freedom is a choice. We can touch tomorrow today by making sound financial choices. It is always better to tell your money where to go then to ask where it went. Learn how to make your dollars make sense in your life by following the 10/10/80 rule. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructors: FAIM (Finance and Investment Community)
This stewardship course provides a guide to building a healthy and successful financial life by demonstrating how to use God’s Word as a foundation for money management. This class will provide insights that will help the student understand the importance of a budget, the dangers of credit cards and the power of wise purchases in developing a personal framework for wealth. Required Book: Yes I Can Set My House in Order by Keith Carter.
(FAIM401) Money 101
Financial freedom is a choice. We can touch tomorrow today by making sound financial choices. It is always better to tell your money where to go then to ask where it went. Learn how to make your dollars make sense in your life by following the 10/10/80 rule. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructors: FAIM (Finance and Investment Community)
Theological Studies
(CA101) The Master Plan for Evangelism
Even if you do not think evangelism is for you, this class gives step-by-step proven ways to change your lifestyle into an evangelistic way of life that honors God. You will be equipped to effectively and intentionally share with people, who need to know that God loves them. You will learn the value of your story/testimony as you share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and win souls for Christ. (Course Materials Provided). (CA201) The Advanced Study in Evangelism (previously Soul Stirrers-Advance DEFEND) A continued evangelism course that further prepares and equips believers to effectively defend their faith against other religions and alternative lifestyles. (TS201) The Holiness of God This course is designed for Christians who desire to journey into the awesome presence of God and learn how to understand the tension that exists between God’s terrifying holiness and His inexplicable grace. This class will probe into the depths and riches of the holiness of God with great reverence, respect and honor. It will portray the true character of God and it will also describe, explain, and interpret what that holiness means to us as Christians. Required Book: Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul. (TS301) The Rapture, Revelation and End Times Christians call the future coming of Jesus for his people the “Rapture.” This course consists of a detailed overview of the doctrine of Eschatology, the End Times. This study will emphasize the critical interpretation and the contribution that Eschatology makes to Biblical theology. Make yourself ready to interpret and understand end time theology as you further prepare to meet the Lord. Required Book: Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology by Dwight Pentecost. (TS401) The Hole in Our Gospel More than half of the earth’s population cannot find work, feed their families or secure adequate housing. This class will show how we can better care for the neighbor next door as well as the woman across the planet. It will explore Jesus’ call to love our neighbors and show how your time, talents and money can heal a broken world. Required Book: The Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns. (TS500) Teacher and Leadership Certification This advanced course is a requirement for persons called to leadership, teaching or the proclamation of God’s word. This training provides intensive instruction in theology, teaching, biblical interpretation and leadership. Students must attend all classes. (This class is only offered during the Spring session. Only pre-approved students by ministry leaders may attend.) Required Book: Christian Beliefs by Wayne Grudem. |
(TS500E) Teacher and Leadership Certification 2.0:
Teacher’s Lab This lab is part two of the Teacher/Leadership Certification course and provides a more intensive hands-on training experience for persons called to leadership, teaching or the proclamation of God’s Word. Teacher’s Lab requires prior completion of the TLC course as well as approval from the Staff Leadership team. (TS505E) I Corinthians Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth is full of practical relevance to the church of our day. The study of I Corinthians will help us open Paul’s letter and see what should be the church’s response to sin. How should we each to sex as Christians? What happens after a person dies? These varied topics including spiritual gifts will be reviewed. Required Book: Opening up 1 Corinthians by Derek Prime. (TS506E) II Corinthians The letter of Second Corinthians is important for its magnificent message of how God’s power is brought to people in their weakness, not in their human strength. This course addresses the fascinating record of early church conflict and extracts lessons for work in ministry today. Required Book: Opening up II Corinthians by Derek Prime. (TS517E) The Story: Bible Stories from the Beginning This course is the study of the Bible for those interested in learning more about the stories we hear repeated and celebrated in Sunday sermons. This class will review the Old Testament stories, with the intent of each story revealing a reflection of God’s love and grace. From Adam to Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David and Queen Esther, come learn the drama and stories of lives God used. Required Book: The Story. (TS518E) The Story: Bible Stories of Salvation This course is the story of the Bible for those interested in learning more about the stories we hear repeated and celebrated in Sunday sermons. This class will review the New Testament stories, with the intent of each story revealing a reflection of God’s love, miracle and saving grace. From Bethlehem to the cross and to the heavens, come learn the stories that delight our hearts and souls. Required Book: The Story. (TS601) Introduction to Hermeneutics This class will introduce the field of hermeneutics, evaluate the diverse systems of interpretation, describe the various levels of meaning and examine the basic principles and practice of biblical exegesis. Additionally, this class will discuss the inspiration and authority of the Bible, the role of the canon and the historicity of the Bible. Students will also examine case studies of biblical passages, which illustrate these principles. This is an advanced class. No book required. |
Specialty Classes
(COUNS100) Relieving Stress: The Mind, Body, and Soul Connection
This class is an opportunity to understand how to change your life by addressing your physical needs, your spiritual needs and your emotional well-being. If you have tried to lose weight unsuccessfully, if you have been depressed or stressed, if you have wanted to feel closer to God, come learn how all three dimensions of yourself can be understood and mastered. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided).
(COUNS300) God’s Sexual Healing
This class is an opportunity to understand how to change your life by addressing your physical needs, your spiritual needs and your emotional well-being. If you have tried to lose weight unsuccessfully, if you have been depressed or stressed, if you have wanted to feel closer to God, come learn how all three dimensions of yourself can be understood and mastered. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided).
(COUNS300) God’s Sexual Healing
Creative Arts
Artist for Christ
Learn how to draw realistic pictures from a Biblical perspective! (Ages six to adult). This class will provide you with fundamental information about tools and techniques, as well as inspiring step by step lessons…everything you need to learn for the art of drawing! From realistic still life to beautiful landscapes, you’ll find a variety of subject material to enjoy.
Learn how to draw realistic pictures from a Biblical perspective! (Ages six to adult). This class will provide you with fundamental information about tools and techniques, as well as inspiring step by step lessons…everything you need to learn for the art of drawing! From realistic still life to beautiful landscapes, you’ll find a variety of subject material to enjoy.
Language Arts
(LANG101) Spanish as a Second Language
Have you ever wanted to learn a second language? Do you feel the need to acquire an additional skill to become more marketable to employers? In today’s ever changing and globally dynamic business and cultural markets, the ability to speak other languages has become a crucial communication link between local and international communities. Come join us for this brand new introductory Spanish course.
Have you ever wanted to learn a second language? Do you feel the need to acquire an additional skill to become more marketable to employers? In today’s ever changing and globally dynamic business and cultural markets, the ability to speak other languages has become a crucial communication link between local and international communities. Come join us for this brand new introductory Spanish course.
They see the catch phrase every day, but how do our children know their lives are not only worth living, but also worth saving? We invite our youth to participate in a series of interactive sessions that will allow them to confidently recognize and appreciate their value in Christ AND in creation as they learn how to navigate their way through today’s society. The class is FREE; however, registration is required. (Required book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). ”Let’s Talk” This course will help youth navigate the demands placed on them from parents, peers and Christ with open dialogue on topics ranging from Trayvon Martin to “sexting,” popularity and love. What do Christian teenagers look like today and how can they become successful in academics, athletics and family while safeguarding future goals. In other words, can you have a conversation with God using Hip Hop lyrics? Required assignments will be taken from YouTube and other media. |
“Let’s Talk” – Success for Teens (FREE)
This course will help youth learn how to pursue their dreams and learn that success is not about smarts, looks or luck. It is about becoming the best possible person you can be and making the most of your talents and opportunities. By understanding and applying the slight edge philosophy, adolescents will learn the Christian principles for excelling in all areas of life. Materials provided in class. Young Ladies of Distinction Celebrating the Love of Christ This course is a bible based program of etiquette developed for young ladies to focus on developing them as positive role models for this generation. This course will increase their self-esteem, help them be at ease in new situations and learn to make a positive first impression. They will also learn good posture and walking, cultivate a pleasant voice, use good table manners and be happy with their beautiful appearance. This course will teach them to treat others with respect, hold a conversation with anyone and be a social success! Parents will love this course, and the young ladies of distinction will enjoy their experience and more beautifully express the love of Christ. |
HTBI Online Class Library
(ONL101) Know What WE Believe
What does the Bible teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Is everyone going to heaven if they are good? Do you know what Friendship-West believes? You need to know… a Christian;s faith must be grounded in truth! Learn and understand the biblical truths upon which our Christian faith stands. This course is eligible for the Foundational Studies Certificate Program. Required Book: Know What You Believe by Paul Little (ONL201) Answering God’s Call for Obedience NEW Considered by many as the most engaging of the prison epistles (or prison letters), the Apostle Paul teaches the church at Philippi, in an almost poetic fashion. He teaches us how to remain faithful in the midst of conflict and how to find joy regardless of personal suffering. Join us for this exciting study as we explore the beauty of this book of the Bible, but also how we as Christians can give our Lord and Savior the beautiful gift of an obedient life. This course can be used as an elective towards the Christian Living and Personal Growth Certificate Programs. Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided. |
(ONL202) Getting Into His Word: Answering God’s Call for Understanding NEW
Why is it important to study the Word of God? What tools and techniques can be useful in studying God’s Word? Are the Ten Commandments still relevant in today’s world? What happens if we are obedient to God’s Word? What if we are disobedient? Join us as we discover the process, the power, and the importance of getting into the Word of God through the study of Deuteronomy. This course can be used as an elective towards the Christian Living and Personal Growth Certificate Programs. Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided. (ONL203) Get To Stepping! Responding to God’s Call to Serve NEW What is the “Call”? How does one actually or practically imitate God? Do we need more will power or love power to live the life God calls us to live? And how can I be more functional and helpful for the building of the body of Christ? Join us as we take a closer look at the process, the power, and the importance of answering God’s call to serve his people and explore the book of Ephesians. This course can be used as an elective towards the Christian Living and Personal Growth Certificate Programs. Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided. |