Current Session
2016 HTBI Winter Classes
Tuesday ClassesStarting Tuesday, September 29th
4 Week Classes
(OT500) Old Testament Soul Mates Do you ever feel like Jesus is the only one in the Bible who can relate to what you are going through? Maybe you feel like God will not be able to use you. Good news. There are many heroesand sheroes from the Old Testament with such strong personalities and purpose, whom God used to bless others. This class will help you find your own personal soul mate, who speaks to your spiritual gifts and to your purpose. Come discover your special place in the Bible story. (Required book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructor: TBA (COUNS100) Relieving Stress: The Mind, Body, and Soul Connection This class is an opportunity to understand how to change your life by addressing your physical needs, your spiritual needs and your emotional well-being. If you have tried to lose weight unsuccessfully, if you have been depressed or stressed, if you have wanted to feel closer to God, come learn how all three dimensions of yourself can be understood and mastered. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructor: TBA (SJ600) #IfNotForTheWomen: CUTTING EDGE CLASS 6 Week Classes
(COUNS300) God’s Sexual Healing: CUTTING EDGE CLASS (PG103) Battlefield of the Mind: CUTTING EDGE CLASS We can state that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but what does it mean to struggle against principalities and powers? This course not only defines what spiritual warfare is, but it will equip the believer to put on the full armor and recognize what victory looks like in everyday life. (Required Book: Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince). Instructor: TBA (PG102) Fearless Faith: CUTTING EDGE CLASS What would you do if you were not afraid to fail? This class teaches the believer how to overcome fear and how to live in the world with faith and confidence. When you default is faith, and not fear, your world will never be the same. (Required Book: Fearless by Max Lucado). Instructor: TBA 8 Week Classes
(FD104) Ordering Your Private World The values of our Western culture incline us to believe that the busy, publicly-active person in ministry is also the most spiritual. Tempted to give imbalanced attention to the public world at the expense of the private, we become involved in more programs and more meetings. In this class you will become equipped to live life from the inside out, cultivating the inner victory necessary for both public and private ministry effectiveness. Required Book: Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald. Instructor: TBA (CLD201) God’s Armor Bearer Leaders in the Bible often chose loyal “armor bearers” to assist and protect them. Christian leaders today also need dedicated assistants to turn vision into reality. Like leaders in the Bible, pastors today need Christians willing to help in the role of God’s Armor Bearer. Learn how to leave your comfort zone, develop your gifts for spiritual service and understand the importance of supporting your pastor’s vision. Required Book: God’s Armor Bearer Volumes 1 & 2: Serving God’s Leaders by Terry Nance. Instructor: TBA (OT101) Survey of Old Testament I The first module will encompass the first five books with focus on the law and what it meant for the children of Israel. It will explore the purpose and message of each book in the Pentateuch. This class will help students appreciate the magnificent unity and central theme of the Old Testament with present day applications. It will also help students understand God’s covenant promises to Israel. No book required. Instructor: TBA |
Thursday ClassesStarting Thursday, October 1st
4 Week Classes
(NT500) New Testament Soul Mates This course is the sister course to Old Testament Soul Mates. It explores major personalities in the New Testament in terms of their human strengths and weaknesses and how God was able to use them to advance the kingdom. When you find the personality in the Bible who looks like you, it opens self-acceptance and purpose that not only transforms the world but brings Glory to God. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructor: TBA 6 Week Classes
(CL601) When Discipleship Gets REAL: CUTTING EDGE CLASS This course is designed to be a thoughtful and in depth personal exploration of how God uses struggle and challenge to transform us, while at the same time requiring service and obedience. When obedience becomes difficult; when social policy collides with biblical beliefs; when personal trials take you to the limit; when loving your enemy seems impossible. This study will help you understand the value of your journey.(Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructor: TBA (PG802E) Old School vs. New School Dating What is it like building relationships today when you are single again or single for the first time? Are there some Godly standards that still work in the age of social media and instant communication? And what about sex? Come be a part of this learning experience. Instructor: TBA (TS500E) Teacher/Leadership Certification 2.0: Teacher’s Lab This lab is part two of the Teacher/Leadership Certification course and provides a more intensive hands-on training experience for persons called to leadership, teaching or the proclamation of God’s Word. Teacher’s Lab requires prior completion of the TLC course as well as approval from the Staff Leadership team. 8 Week Classes
(FD101) Know What You Believe What does the Bible teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What do angels, Satan and demons have to do with reality? What place should the Bible or church have in the believer’s life? This course will focus on the bottom-line truths and the non-negotiables of Christianity and help you understand what is really important for Christian faith. This class is also available as an online class. Required Book: Know What You Believe by Paul Little. Instructor: TBA (NT101) Survey of New Testament I The first module contains emphasis and background on events leading up to the formation of the New Testament canon, and a study of the four Gospel accounts with attention to their unique contributions to Scripture. No book required. Instructor: TBA (TS301) The Rapture, Revelation and End Times: CUTTING EDGE CLASS Christians call the future coming of Jesus for his people the “Rapture.” This course consists of a detailed overview of the doctrine of Eschatology, the End Times. This study will emphasize the critical interpretation and the contribution that Eschatology makes to Biblical theology. Make yourself ready to interpret and understand end time theology as you further prepare to meet the Lord. Required Book: Things to Come: A Study in Biblical Eschatology by Dwight Pentecost. Instructor: TBA (LANG101) Spanish as a Second Language Have you ever wanted to learn a second language? Do you feel the need to acquire an additional skill to become more marketable to employers? In today’s ever changing and globally dynamic business and cultural markets, the ability to speak other languages has become a crucial communication link between local and international communities. Come join us for this brand new introductory Spanish course. Instructor: TBA (FAIM401) Money 101 Financial freedom is a choice. We can touch tomorrow today by making sound financial choices. It is always better to tell your money where to go then to ask where it went. Learn how to make your dollars make sense in your life by following the 10/10/80 rule. (Required Book: The Bible. Other course materials will be provided). Instructors: FAIM (Finance and Investment Community) |